ClImate resIlIence
Climate change is driving the acceleration of weather extremes impacting small businesses and related livelihoods. We strengthen business capacity to operate in a changing climate.
ITC Trade and Environment boosts the resilience of small businesses and value chains, supporting policymakers, business support organizations, and the private sector to:
- Understand how the climate is likely to change in the future
- Quantify the impact and understand risks, taking account of sector and geographic vulnerabilities
- Invest in adaptation measures such as physical assets, systems and processes to cope with the changes companies are already experiencing

Climate risks and opportunities in value chains
ITC’s Climate and Environmental Risk Assessment (CERA) approach maps out the climate-related risks and opportunities based on a literature review, analysis of trade and environment data and key informant interviews with agribusiness, farm organizations and policy makers. The analysis is structured along the three stages of the value chain: inputs, production and processing.
It provides a summary overview, detailed analysis of physical and transitional risks and emerging opportunities in the environmental marketplace. CERA rates the level of risk and proposes priority actions to mitigate these risks. It shows the financial impact of these risks and opportunities on agri-business and smallholder livelihoods.
Tailored coaching for small businesses
ITC’s climate resilience coaching programme activates small businesses in international value chains to better manage climate induced business risks. It aims to increase their competitiveness by addressing production losses, energy supply disruptions, transport disturbances, water shortages as well as by opening new business opportunities through newly arising product and service demands. We link companies with actors in the business ecosystems to innovate, access technologies and services, and access markets.
The coaching programme is based on the “Climate Expert Approach” developed by the German Development Cooperation (GIZ). ITC is a key implementation partner for the approach.